The article is devoted to the memory of the remarkable scientist and educator – G. N. Prozumentova. The aim of the paper is to identify the main lines of the great scientist’s pedagogical heritage. Considers the base of joint activity pedagogy, the concept of humanitarian management of educational innovations, the theories of the teacher’s professional development worked out by G. N. Prozumentova. Highlights the relevance of the following provisions put forward by the scientist: the personal presence in education, the dual teacher’s professional position in organization of joint activities with students, the influence of teacher’s participation in innovative activities on his professional development, the importance of innovative educational programs for the development of modern school. The main thesis of all scientist’s publications is to allocate the joint activity as the main subject of education. Finally the authors clarify that this subject determines the prospects for the development of pedagogical theory and educational practice.
Keywords: joint activity, educational innovations, humanitarian management, teacher’s professionalism, innovative educational program
1. Prozumentova G. N. Shkola sovmestnoy deyatel’nosti. Eksperiment: razvitiye tseli vospitaniya i issledovatel’skoy deyatel’nosti pedagogov shkoly [School of joint activities. Experiment: the development objectives of education and research activities of the teachers of the school]. Tomsk, 1994. 41 p. (in Russian).
2. Przumentova G. N. Otkrytoye obrazovatel’noye prostranstvo i upravleniye professional’nym razvitiyem: protsessy sub’’ektivatsii [Open educational environment and management of professional development: the processes of subjectivation]. Upravleniye professional’nym razvitiem i izmeneniyami v sisteme povysheniya kvalifi katsii [Management of professional development and changes in the system of training]. Tomsk, TsPKZhK Publ., 2002. 260 p. (in Russian).
3. Przumentova G. N. Professional’noye razvitiye kak problema i resurs upravleniya v Otkrytom obrazovatel’nom prostranstve [Professional development as a problem and management resource in the open educational space]. Upravleniye professional’nym razvitiem i izmeneniyami v sisteme povysheniya kvalifi katsii [Management of professional development and changes in the system of training]. Tomsk, TsPKZhK Publ., 2002. 260 p. (in Russian).
4. Prozumentova G. N. Perekhod k Otkrytomu obrazovatel’nomu prostranstvu. Ch. 1. Fenomenologiya obrazovatel’nykh innovatsiy [The transition to an Open educational space. Part 1. Phenomenology of educational innovations]. Tomsk, Izd-vo Tomskogo un-ta Publ., 2005. 484 p. (in Russian).
5. Prozumentova G. N. Fenomenologicheskoye opisaniye – metod issledovaniya izmeneniy v obrazovanii [Phenomenological description – a method for studying changes in education]. Diagnostika izmeneniy v obrazovanii [Diagnosis of changes in education]. Tomsk, TsPKZhK Publ., 2002. 192 p. (in Russian).
6. Prozumentova G. N., Malkova I. Yu. Proektirovaniye v vysshey shkole: soderzhaniye obrazovatel’nogo rezul’tata [Design in higher education: content of educational result]. Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo pedagogicheskogo universiteta – TSPU Bulletin, 2007, vol. 7, pp. 13–17 (in Russian).
7. Prozumentova G. N. Klassicheskiy universitet – innovatsionnye shkoly: strategicheskiye perspektivy vzaimodeystviya (opyt gumanitarnogo issledovaniya) [Classic University – school of innovation: strategic vision of interaction (the experience of Humanities research)]. Tomsk, Tomskiy gos. un-t Publ., 2008. 262 p. (in Russian).
Issue: 4, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 7 — 14
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