DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2018-1-57-63
The author dwells on improving music and performance training of the students studying music at pedagogical institutes. A characteristic tendency of modern Russian higher education modernization is forming students’ practical skills which are necessary to realize the tasks in their future professional activity. Teaching students is carried out so as to increase their professional employability. Practice-oriented character of modern educational process at pedagogical institutes makes Music and Instrumental Performance an important constituent of the curriculum for bachelor’s degree program in Music, sight reading being one of the aspects of this discipline. Taking into consideration modern requirements for training future specialists, the author figures out and proves the relevance of the problem of sight reading skills development with students studying music. As a result, essential conditions and factors were found out to optimize the educational process and to solve this problem in learning activity. Consequently the paper deals with conditions which are necessary for organization of educational process and students’ independent work, with the specific character of this kind of music and performance activity and with the peculiarities of music and performance process of sight reading. Besides the author emphasizes the need to include sight reading in credit and exam requirements as well as advisability of introducing this lecture and seminar course into the curriculum and organizing career development courses for lecturers.
Keywords: development, skills, sight reading, students studying music, educational process, music and instrumental training, conditions and factors, music and instrumental activity, music and performance process
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Issue: 1, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 57 — 63
Downloads: 1113