DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2018-1-176-180
The article is focused on the experience of creating distance learning school in the private secondary school “Saint Petersburg School “Express”. The publication is devoted to problems of individualization of training process of the 9–11 grades students using individual and personalized programs in distance education. Distance education is a backbone factor to realize the individual and personalized educational programs. The author talks about the stages of design and implementation of individual educational route of a senior student as a mechanism of implementation of educational programs in distance education, as well as about the distinctive components of a distance learning system in designing individual and personalized educational programs. The risks of organization of distance learning are considered: communication and monitoring of achievement of the intended learning outcomes of high school students. To reduce the risks, the author suggests to expand the communicative unit through thematic extracurricular communication and the introduction of online-protection of the educational projects, seminars, online-testing is limited by time. It is proposed to supplement the basic educational materials of school course in distance learning environment by “Virtual study”, which organizes academic, elective and extracurricular work with the students of distance schools. Special attention is given to methodological support of a student who learns distantly, and teachers who work in distance educational environment. For students – this is a detailed memo on various types of educational work, which help students to write a research paper and a composition, an essay; and create a detailed thesis plan; work with an illustration; to compare the chronological materials; to characterize and evaluate personnel; to prove your judgment, etc. For teacher – it is the technological maps of subject, recommendations for filling the TAP (teaching-aid package), the algorithm of checking and editing the practical and individualependent works of students, requirements for the preparation of test materials, etc.
Keywords: individual education program, personalized education program, personal goals of education, personalized purpose of learning, distance learning
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Issue: 1, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 176 — 180
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