DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2018-4-60-71
Fundamental importance for the development of thinking of a teenager, his intellectual education has the formation of concepts. Organization of training aimed at taking into account the laws of the process of formation of conceptual thinking is relevant in the methods of teaching natural sciences. Knowledge at the conceptual level is the knowledge of some sets of features of the concept (identification of features of the concept; establishment of the presence or absence of a certain feature in a given mathematical object; construction of objects with these features, etc.). The nature of each individual concept implies the existence of a certain system of concepts, beyond which it can not exist. Formation of the concept includes the construction of the content of education, aimed at establishing links between concepts. Establishment of a variety of relationships between concepts is especially important in the study of such a fundamental concept of mathematics as “function”, as this concept helps to identify the mutual connection and conditionality of different phenomena. Investigations show that this role of the concept of function is not always realized. Therefore, we need special educational texts that would create conditions for establishing links between concepts at each of the phases of the process of formation of the concept of “function”: motivation, categorization, enrichment, links. The motivation phase is “text – establishment of inter-subject relations”, motivating the search for a new concept that would allow to combine externally dissimilar, different situations, to find approaches to their study. Phase categorization – “text – encoding information, text – establishment of generic-specific relations, text - focus-example”, “text – relationships-mapping, analogy.” The phase of enrichment “text – establishing interdisciplinary connections, text –signs, concepts, text – systematization of concepts.” Transfer phase - “text – intra-subject links”, “text – concept application”. The knowledge of the typology of educational texts, contributing to the establishment of links between concepts in the study of “functions”, creates conditions for improving the quality of the study of this concept, for the formation of universal educational actions of various blocks.
Keywords: teaching text, function, phases of concept formation, genus-species relations, classification, operation of the recognitions, inter-subject links between concepts
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Issue: 4, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 60 — 71
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