DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2019-1-9-17
The article describes the essence of the gender-role self-determination of a person and the stages of the development of this process. The main problems of gender-role selfdetermination arising in adolescence, corresponding to fifth-seventh grade pupils, are presented. The methods used in the investigation and diagnosis of the processes of genderrole self-determination are characterized. The reasons that make it difficult for teachers to apply the well-known methods for studying gender-based self-determination of adolescents aged 11–14 in school conditions are revealed. For the purpose of diagnosing the process under investigation the possibility of using the content analysis of the essay texts on the topic “When I’m 20 years old” is considered. In it, each student of grades 5–7 in a free form presented his desired future. In an essay it was suggested to describe the following: 1) what his profession is; 2) what his hobby is; 3) what he has already managed to change in himself; 4) how he has realized himself in family life; 5) what kind of person he is in the opinion of others; 6) what he does in his spare time. For all these aspects, semantic units and classification schemes have been formed, which allow us to assess the status of the process of gender-based self-determination of adolescents aged 11–14.
Keywords: gender-role self-determination, students of grades 5–7, essays on their future, content analysis of essay texts
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Issue: 1, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 9 — 17
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