DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2020-2-179-189
The article is devoted to the process of developing a model of a pre-university in a technical university, which meets the modern requirements of a modern technical university, and provides the possibility of replication in various educational institutions of higher education of a technical profile, without reference to certain characteristics and creates the conditions for the implementation of the university’s specifics in the educational process. The article is devoted to the process of developing a pre-university model in the educational process of a modern educational institution of higher education of a technical profile, in which the pre-university is a mechanism for searching, selecting, supporting, vocational guidance and pre-university preparation of applicants for entrance examinations and training at a technical university, creates conditions for immersing students in educational and cultural environment of the university, which allows to determine to choose a profession and a university in advance, and, if necessary, to change the profile of training. The developed model takes into account the experience of various analogues of pre-university students implementing educational activities in various universities in Russia. The scientific novelty of the study is to work out all the elements of the pre-university model being created, which can be created on the basis of any technical university regardless of its starting conditions and limitations, and also provide opportunities for taking into account the specifics of the university, including: a) the creation of a system of pre-university training at the university, taking into account priority tasks in the field of recruitment and the possibility of creating conditions for ensuring the selection of various educational paths; b) the organization of coordination of career guidance at the university. The theoretical significance of the work is associated with the identification and description of the key elements of the pre-university activity regardless of the specifics of individual universities and models.
Keywords: pre-university, vocational guidance, pre-university preparation, university enrollment process, work with applicants, pre-university model
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Issue: 2, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 179 — 189
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