DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2020-3-144-150
The importance of the subject “Natural Science Picture of the World” is discussed for students of humanitarian faculties, the main task of which is the formation of a natural science worldview. Given the psychophysiological characteristics of humanities students, practical training methods are proposed for the successful formation of a scientific worldview. The most effective and scientifically based practical methods and approaches are given that complement the lecture course and increase the degree of students’ independent work. Using the proposed methods allows us to determine the degree of formation of general cultural competencies among students. Given the humanitarian orientation of students, it can be assumed that one of the effective methods of practical independent work is the structuring of the material studied by compiling integrative tables. Turning to integrative tables, which systematize natural science knowledge in certain sections corresponding to the material being studied, at the same time, the most famous cultural and historical events related to this period of time are given, students have an increase in the relationship between objects, complex systemic laws occur in the process of integrating knowledge. The use of integrative tables helps to form a worldview based on an understanding of the connections between nature, man, his ideas and the development of human civilization. Also, attention is paid to the specifics of laboratory work for humanities students.
Keywords: natural-science picture of the world, scientific worldview, practical exercises, integrative tables
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Issue: 3, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 144 — 150
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