DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2021-3-213-220
The problem of conceptual underdevelopment of the supervisory practice of tutor support is discussed. The reason for the absence of theoretical models of supervision is seen in the empirical outstripping of this practice in relation to the conceptual reflection of tutoring as a type of professional activity. As a possible theoretical model for the supervision of a tutor, a “tutor system” is proposed, similar to the psychotherapeutic supervision system, which includes 3 types of focus of attention: on a tutorant, a tutor, and the process of tutor support. The content of supervision is indicated, which is determined by each of these angles of attention. Behavioral patterns characterizing tutors and tutorants are described, the corresponding deficits of subjectivity and identity are identified. Deficiencies in educational and professional subjectivity, as well as diffuse educational and professional identity, are defined as criteria for identifying a “complex” supervisor and tutorant. The most important conditions for effective supervision of tutoring practice are called accurate recognition in the process of supervision of the limitations and shortcomings of the personal, activity and communicative plan, which are characteristic of a tutor and a tutorant, as well as the implementation of the fundamental idea of the activity approach about turning the concept of action into activity.
Keywords: supervision of a tutor, “tutor system”, behavior patterns, deficiencies of subjectivity and identity, “difficult” clients
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Issue: 3, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 213 — 220
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