ISSN 2307-6127
The scientific journal "Pedagogical Review" is included in the list of Higher Attestation Comission of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
Welcome to the official website of the academic journal "Pedagogical Review". The journal publishes scientific material on the following subjects:
- 5.3.1. General psychology, personality psychology, history of psychology (psychological sciences),
- 5.3.4. Educational psychology, psychological diagnostics of digital educational environments (psychological sciences),
- 5.8.1. General Pedagogy, History of Pedagogy and Education (Pedagogical Sciences),
- 5.8.2. Theory and methods of training and education (by areas and levels of education) (pedagogical sciences),
- 5.8.7. Methodology and technology of vocational education (pedagogical sciences).
The journal is included in the list of the leading reviewed academic journals and publications, publishing the most significant results of doctoral and postdoctoral theses, as approved by the Higher Attestation Comission of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.
Publication frequency: 6 issues per year.
The website has an ARCHIVE that contains annotations of the articles, key words, information on the authors in Russian and English and also full-text versions of the articles.
The founder of the academic journal is Tomsk State Pedagogical University
The journal is included in the "Russian Press" subscription catalog. Index: 82680.
Indexing the journal
- The journal is included in the database of periodicals "ULRICHSWEB"
- The journal is included in the database of periodicals "GOOGLE SCHOLAR"
- The journal is included in the database of periodicals "WORLDCAT"
Information on the Russian Science Citation Index
Information on the published articles is regularly sent to the system of the Russian Science Citation Index.
Dear readers!
The journal "Pedagogical Review" is aimed at acquainting the general scientific and pedagogical community with current research in the fields of pedagogy, psychology and methods of learning and teaching.
The publication of our journal is triggered by developments within higher pedagogical education in both Russia and the international community. Such developments include globalization, activating the need for an exchange of Russian and international scientific and educational experience, as well as humanization and the openness of education at all levels. Our journal is a space for publishing materials and results of modern humane, psycho-pedagogical and methodological research from specialists in Siberia, Russia and other countries.
The journal acquaints readers with contemporary issues of psycho-pedagogical and methodological research within the logic of the system-activity, competency, axiological and humanitarian approaches; with innovative technologies and forms of organization of educational activity of children, youth and adults (project and problem-based learning, joint activity, development of critical thinking, portfolio). It publishes information (reviews) on new authors and collective monographs on pedagogy, issued in Tomsk and other universities in Siberia, as well as survey-based research.
Among the thematic directions of the journal are: philosophy of education, history of pedagogy and psychology, pedagogical and educational technology (student-oriented, humanitarian, technologies of joint training, active methods of learning), competence approach in education, psychological studies (general, age, educational, social and clinical psychology, acmeology), implementation of the new federal educational standards of the FSES, general pedagogy, pedagogy and didactics of higher school, andragogy, inclusive education and comparative education.
Request to Update Domain and Email Information for Pedagogical Review
Publication date: Tuesday, 24 December 2024
Dear Colleagues,
We would like to inform you that our scientific journal, Pedagogical Review, has updated its domain name.
The domain has changed from https://npo.tspu.edu.ru/ to https://npo.tspu.ru/.
Currently, both web addresses are operational. However, as of December 25, 2024, the domain https://npo.tspu.edu.ru/ will no longer be active.
The current issue of "Pedagogical Review" (issue 6) has been posted.
Publication date: Monday, 23 December 2024

In the issue:
The current issue of "Pedagogical Review" (issue 5) has been posted.
Publication date: Friday, 18 October 2024

In the issue:
The current issue of "Pedagogical Review" (issue 4) has been posted.
Publication date: Friday, 30 August 2024

In the issue:
The current issue of "Pedagogical Review" (issue 3) has been posted.
Publication date: Thursday, 20 June 2024

In the issue: