This paper is the result of a theoretical understanding of problems of ethnic and cultural education and upbringing of children and youth through the traditional Russian folk dance. Appeal to the history of Russian dance allowed to note that it is one of the most ancient forms of folk art, which arose on the basis of employment rights and transmitting thoughts, feelings, moods, attitudes towards people living phenomena. Its development is closely linked with the entire history of the Russian people. The article defines the stages of learning folk dance in a natural rural environment and illustrated educational influence of Russian folk dance on younger generation. The article covers the problems of teaching everyday choreography at the present stage of social development and the possibility of learning Russian folk dance on the bases of interdisciplinary integration of disciplines, allowing to cover as campletely as possible dancing folklore in the context of traditional folk culture as a complex and multidimensional phenomenon.
Keywords: everyday choreography, ethno cultural education, national pedagogy, traditional Russian culture
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Issue: 2, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 37 — 42
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