DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2017-1-18-26
The article analyzes the key provisions of the theory of intuitive literacy developed under the direction of psycholinguistic language learning. Under the “intuitive literacy” is understood a high degree of manifestation of language ability of the carrier formed at an early age and developed due to the presence of functional skills of reading, oral language, phonemic hearing. The presence or absence of intuitive literacy largely determines the psychophysiological pattern of linguistic personality, its natural inclinations, ability to learn, practice-oriented approach to knowledge system. It also means a conscious approach to writing, speech activity, based on the involvement of visual memory, verbal hearing, motor capacity. The author reflects on how to use in the practice of teaching Russian at school the concept, which appeals to the analysis of peculiarities of the native speaker’s individual characteristics (language skills, linguistic taste, linguistic intuition). It is important to establish the relationship between the theory of intuitive awareness and competence approach, defined as the principal in the light of the requirements of the Federal state educational standard of general education of a new generation. Accordin to this perspective the teachers see the use of language and literature as a part of their teaching activities, tasks and exercises aimed at enhancing students’ language instinct. These exercises should use the language material in all sections of the language system. The Russian language courses with the support of the theory of intuitive literacy help to optimize the educational process, improve the language competence of students.
Keywords: language competence, language ability, psycholinguistics, intuitive literacy, spelling, writing, functional reading, Federal state educational standard of basic education
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Issue: 1, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 18 — 26
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