DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2017-1-62-71
The request for a research of opportunities and features of space of a modern higher educational institution is very urgent. It is important to understand whether there is an interrelation between specially organized space and an opportunity for students to purchase additional common cultural and professional competences – such as ability to communication in the cross-cultural environment, to self-organization and self-training. Perception and learning of university environment, and its psychological interpretation define the sense and the nature of professional development and self-development of those who take part in the educational process, and determine actions of students and teachers in this environment. The article presents the results of the study of the invariants of how the participants of the educational process perceive university environment. The authors carry out the analysis of peculiarities of teachers’ and students’ perception of university environment and describe the dynamics of perception of university environment at different stages of students’ professional training. The results of research are the basis for development of the concept of the universal environment of modern city University. General provisions of the concept of the universal environment at city University based on the educational needs of students and teachers in training, in communication, in resources. On this basis, the general environment of the city University involves collaborative environment, an active space for informal communication; social space to support student community; active living student life within the infrastructure of the University; innovative learning spaces, creating conditions for student centered learning and engagement, enhance the educational process participants of educational, social, intellectual motivation. The main directions of infrastructure development of the University is the entrance area, interior common areas (recreation, corridors, staircases), classroom and administrative offices.
Keywords: individual places of behavior, personally-oriented places, notion of university environment, university environment, subjective and pragmatic places, description of university places
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Issue: 1, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 62 — 71
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