DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2017-1-85-91
The problem of socialization has an actual continuity for every step of civilization development and the importance for pedagogical science. There is the problem of professional socialization of students in learning environment in modern university in the article. There is an analysis of scientific – methodical and pedagogical researches in the sphere of professional socialization of students and recreational physical culture. The main thing of professional competence is the culture of healthy living, capability for personal growing and development, sociability, educability, commitment to self-education, creativity and social activity. Physical education in the university is the powerful tool of creation of the culture of healthy-living and professional socialization of students. The definitive and effective kind of physical activity in the process of physical education of students is health related fitness. There are benefits and functions of fitness as the factor of socialization of students. Health-giving fitness is very popular among students that’s why health-giving fitness and aerobics are reasonable parts of the process of joining it to the physical activity educational programs for students. Nowadays fitness is a necessary part of physical culture educational programs and elective course in all universities in Tomsk. The integrative nature of sport-physical activities in the process of fitness training makes it the effective instrument of professional personal socialization.
Keywords: socialization, education, professional competence, professional socialization, health, healthy living, physical education, physical culture, fitness
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Issue: 1, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 85 — 91
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