DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2018-2-83-94
The problems of modern education in the primary school are reflected. The introduction of Federal State Educational Standard in the primary school, as several authors of the analyzed studies have noted, is insufficiently prepared. In particular, little attention is paid to creativity in the learning process. The main disadvantage of Federal State Educational Standard is the lack of a single tool for assessing the different groups of activity skills that need to be formed among schoolchildren. The analysis of the diagnostic materials used in the training process – from school to university – shows that the grades of the introduced learning outcomes in the form of competencies are gradually being developed in universities. The same thing happens in colleges. In school education, the evaluation of learning outcomes is now being actively developed in a junior school, while in a basic school such materials are not sufficient. The manifested problem of lack of creativity is solved by introducing lessons-problematizations into the learning process, in fact – the lessons of obtaining new knowledge, a new way of knowing. At the same time students develop the ability to solve problems, regulative and communicative skills. Diagnostics of these skills is carried out on the basis of developed cards, in which the elements of skills are presented. The cards are filled by students, members of training or problem groups, or student experts. This type of diagnosis teaches students selfevaluation, helps the teacher and parents to follow the progress of the student in the activity and mastering the subject.
Keywords: deficiencies standard, lessons on the formation of skills to solve problems, regulatory and communicative skills, diagnostics of skills on the basis of developed cards
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Issue: 2, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 83 — 94
Downloads: 1034