DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2018-4-72-79
The analysis of the definitions of “form of education” in the pedagogical literature is carried out. The distinctive features of non-traditional forms of education in the university, including the conceptual basis, purpose of the lesson, its structure, training and activity of the teacher and students in the class are revealed. The definition of non-traditional form of education is given on the basis of the analysis of pedagogical and methodological literature and taking into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, including the distinctive features: the use of pedagogical technologies of teaching and their elements; the prevalence of the activity approach, in which the active and versatile, independent cognitive activity of the learner is dominant; practical-oriented training aimed at vocational training; interesting content of the lesson; a combination of different forms of presentation of educational information; organization of group work; absence of stereotype in the structure of the employment. Characteristics of laboratory studies on the discipline “School chemical experiment” in the pedagogical university are given. The choice of the use of gaming technology and crossens technology in systematization and generalization of students’ knowledge is grounded. The results of reflection to determine the attitude of students to the use of non-traditional forms of learning (game and crossens technology) are presented. The interest of students, their motivation for a deeper knowledge of the material being studied, the desire to develop communication skills in interaction systems student-student, student-teacher, readiness to apply the acquired knowledge and skills in occupations and in further professional activity is shown.
Keywords: forms of education, non-traditional forms of education and their distinctive features, school chemical experiment, game technology of learning, crossens technology
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Issue: 4, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 72 — 79
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