DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2018-4-151-156
The development of education is one of the priorities that contributes to the formation of personal qualities of the national ideal, priorities and values. Ancient Greek philosophers and thinkers believed that education is an important aspect of the upbringing of young people: because through education chastity and mercy are formed in youth, education promotes adherence to state laws, through education young people improve and strive for culture. In modern philosophical theories the importance of education as a process is also great. Some believe that it is necessary to educate in youth love of neighbor, kindness and humane attitude. Others emphasize the education of “rational thinking”, the development of “internal morality”. Still others pay attention to the fact that it is important to educate discipline, entrepreneurship and organization. Russian thinkers believed that the educational process affects the development of the individuality of young people, self-development and self-education in Addition, their opinion, important in the process of educational activities is to prepare for the work of life, independence. Also pay attention to the study of moral problems of education of youth. Modern researchers pay special attention to the educational process in the University, as it contributes to the development of the internal potential of the student’s personality, the development of his spiritual and moral qualities, as well as skills of cooperation and mutual assistance. Thus, the analyzed studies emphasize the importance of educational activities of the University. The development of personal qualities should be carried out through the development of value orientations, promotion of cooperation and mutual assistance and activity of students themselves.
Keywords: education, student, training in higher school, educational activities of the University
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Issue: 4, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 151 — 156
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