DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2018-4-123-132
In the article we present structural and substantive analysis of the basic stages of implementation and approbation of the Professional Standard «Teacher-Psychologist (Psychologist in the sphere of education)» in educational institutions of the Russian Federation in the period from 2012 to 2019. Particularly, we highlight the requirements of the new professional standard «Teacher-psychologist (psychologist in the sphere of education)» for psychologist working in educational institutions. We show that the professional standard requirements to candidates for positions related to psychological and pedagogical activity are quite serious. We also note that effective realization of the general labour functions and labour functions, presented in the professional standard, is possible when definite universal general and specific professional competencies related to necessary skills and knowledge are completely formed. Requirements to education and training, experience of work and special conditions of admission of psychologists of educational institutions for job, a list of categories of persons who can not hold the position of teacher-psychologist are presented. Professional knowledge, a set of action and skills performed by psychologists are described. Standardization of professional activity of psychologists working at educational institutions will make possible more precise determination of the scope and directions of university training, retraining or professional development of pedagogical personnel.
Keywords: standardization, standard, professional standard, approbation, implementation of professional standard, position, teacher-psychologist, educational institution
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Issue: 4, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 123 — 132
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