DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2019-1-38-47
The article is devoted to the problem of statement of the purposes of mathematical training of students in the aspect of requirements of the FSES to the formation of universal educational action (UEA). The analysis of known approaches to the structuring and description of universal educational actions as an expected result of teaching mathematics is carried out. The article presents a structural model of universal educational actions without taking into account the specifics of the subject “Mathematics”, based on the list of meta-subject results of the development of the basic educational program of basic General education. The interrelation of metafunctional approach and the requirements to subject results in teaching mathematics is shown. Formulated the concept of “key universal educational actions”, as well as their composition. The article substantiates and presents the structural and content models of the universal educational action “establishment of analogies (comparison)” and “information decoding” on the basis of the operational composition of motivation and orientation components. The content of these components based on cognitive and praxeological elements of action is determined. The characteristics of each action element are disclosed. The purpose of the publication is to describe the author’s approach to modeling the key universal learning actions as a component of students’ mathematical preparation.
Keywords: system and activity approach, a set of key universal education, Federal State Educational Standard of Basic General Education, dynamic structural model, functional structure of actions, motivation component, orientation component, structural elements of a
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Issue: 1, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 38 — 47
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