DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2019-1-67-77
The results of the analysis of the sites of Russian universities on the subject of providing educational work with students with regulatory documents, the analysis of the most common models of the educational work, student self-government, including the student associations and communities are presented. The main directions of student communities in universities are highlighted, their specificity in pedagogical universities, related to their orientation to practical professional and pedagogical activity are defined. Deficiencies in the functioning of models of the educational work with students at the faculty level are indicated. The 10-year experience in organizing the educational work and after-hour activities with students of the Pedagogical Faculty of Tomsk State Pedagogical University by including future social educators in student communities is generalized. The organization schemes of student selfgovernment at the level of the academic group, faculty level, interaction of student communities of the faculty with other subjects of the educational work of the faculty and the university as a whole are presented. The examples of possible student communities at the faculty are given. Using the example of comparing labor activities of a social pedagogue and the activities of the student group curator, a conclusion is drawn on the resource development of students’ readiness to perform the above types of professional activity when they are included in any student community in accordance with their interests. The conditions for increasing the level of readiness of students of the university for the solution of the tasks of professional activity through the construction of the educational work at the faculty on the basis of modeling the activities of student communities are substantiated.
Keywords: educational work, extracurricular activities, student communities, professional competencies, the inclusion of future social teachers in faculty students’ communities
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Issue: 1, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 67 — 77
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