DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2019-1-144-150
An important task of the higher professional education system is the formation of students thinking focused on the future professional activities. For the last ten years in the pedagogical discourse computational thinking began to be regarded as a special organization of cognitive processes that allows to analyze and resolve problems with an orientation to formulate them in such a way that solutions can be represented as a sequence of steps or algorithms that will be implemented with the help of computers. Computational thinking pretends to the status of a new cognitive skill of the information society of the 21st century. For the university ITstudents a well-developed computational thinking is the key to a future successful career. The potential possibilities and organization of the practice of solving physics learning tasks are considered in the context of formation computational thinking of the university IT-students. The analysis is carried out for organization the process of solving physics learning tasks, focused on the development of such components of computational thinking as abstraction, decomposition, algorithmization and generalization. Abstraction is an important component of physics and is associated with the process of solving problems. Students deal with idealized conceptual models of real objects and processes in solving problems. In solving physical problems, decomposition is associated with a speculative breakdown of the material systems under consideration into components, and the analyzed processes into stages. Generalization is used in the transition from individual learning tasks of various contents to their identification. It is an important stage for understanding the general meaning in different initial content. Algorithmization is present in solving physical problems as a sequence of actions. The same algorithm can be used by students for a selected class of learning tasks.
Keywords: IT students, computational thinking, solving physical problems
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Issue: 1, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 144 — 150
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