DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2019-1-157-161
This article was created on the occasion of the 135th anniversary of the birth of the Tatar scientist and teacher M. Kh. Kurbangaleyev. Here his scientific and pedagogical activity is covered. He is a famous methodologist, professor, honored scientist of the TASSR. M.Kh. Kurbangaleev developed more than a hundred textbooks on the Tatar and Russian languages, arithmetics, geography; he compiled dictionaries, teaching aids and manuals, comparative grammars, and visual aids. Thanks to his efforts, an analytical-synthetic sound teaching method was introduced into the practice of the work of Tatar schools. The article briefly describes his life activities, how he, from the ordinary son of a peasant, reached the position of professor at Kazan University. He was a follower of progressive teachers, a student of eminent scientists, such as V. A. Bogoroditsky and K. Nasyirov. M. Kurbangaleev, relying on advanced world pedagogical achievements and using his experience, develops a methodology for studying the Tatar and Russian languages in the Tatar school, as well as methods of teaching the Tatar language for Netar. When developing methods of studying languages, the teacher, first of all, relies on the principle of reliance on the native language. According to the scientist, the study of the second (non-native) language should go through the use of knowledge in their native language. Further, he develops the idea of the need to teach languages in comparative forms. After the adoption of the Decree on the elimination of illiteracy, M. Kh. Kurbangaleev begins to create new, meeting the requirements of the time, textbooks and teaching aids for schools of literacy. The study of the works of the scientist on the methods of teaching languages remains relevant in modern times.
Keywords: Kurbangaleev, textbooks, technique, the Tatar language, the Russian language, education, elimination of illiteracy schools
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Issue: 1, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 157 — 161
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