DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2019-2-48-55
The article deals with the problem of formation of a competitive design student, a graduate of the university, his readiness for constant self-education, adequate response to changing realities of life, change of professional trajectory in the face of uncertainty. Definitions of the concepts professional competence, freelancer, competence are specified. It justifies the importance of training graduates for continuous self-education throughout life, mastering a certain amount of professional design knowledge. The analysis of professionally important qualities of the personality offered by the experts at foresight sessions of the Agency of Strategic Initiatives in the process of definition of the set of newly emerging professions is carried out. Based on the comparative analysis of supra-professional competencies proposed by the experts, and components of the information-communicative competence as an important integrative quality of the personality of a university graduate from the point of view of increasing his competitiveness, the changes in the teaching process of the professional block disciplines. The results of the pedagogical experiment on the formation of professional competence by introducing the elements of the organization of the project work of a professional designer into the educational process of the program of the discipline Design are given. The main distinctive features of the competence- modular curriculum of the discipline are described. The role of formation of professional mobility of information and communication competence of university students-designers in ensuring their competitiveness is defined. The possible future tasks which will be faced by a professional in the field of education are described.
Keywords: creativity, target audience, educational standard, professional standard, entrepreneurship, continuing education, professional competence, competitiveness of university graduates
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Issue: 2, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 48 — 55
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