DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2019-2-90-97
Psychological and pedagogical security is an essential criterion as applied to the educational environment. With regard to a higher education institution, such security includes many aspects and is largely determined by social and psychological environment within an academic group. The use of sociometry-based methods is necessitated by the difficulty of carrying out the adequate assessment of social and psychological environment within academic groups and the availability of negative factors, such as chronic conflicts, mobbing, bulling and dignitary harm. Original method for processing the primary data received at the result of sociometric approach is provided, which is realized as process tool (computer program) enabling the variation of surveying regimes and generate (after the survey results have been processed) any kinds of data, i.e. quantitative characteristics representing the social and psychological situation, as well as interactive group chart. The examples are given, how to apply the following methods of interpretation (processing) of primary data: scree test, mathematical theory of limits and graph theory. The method may be applied for social and pedagogical monitoring, development of psychological assessment tools for studying interpersonal and intergroup interaction of the members of educational environment, as well as for the development of information-and-probability models of behavioral pattern of a student group provided any changes of conditions.
Keywords: academic group, sociometry, security, risks, mathematical methods, conflict, computer program, assessment, educational environment
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Issue: 2, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 90 — 97
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