DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2019-2-162-167
The turn of the XIX-XX century, as history shows, was the time to search for new forms, methods and ways of working with students. The term “author’s school”, which appeared in the scientific and pedagogical vocabulary since the late 1980s, means that a particular educational institution has some original pedagogical methods of teaching and education, a special program for the development of the school, a pedagogical concept developed by an individual teacher or a team of authors. During the reviewed period, the features of the new “author’s” school were inherent in some private educational institutions, both in the capital and abroad. The article considers the types of such educational institutions, the characteristic features of “new” type schools. The emergence of non-state schools of the new type was not limited to the metropolitan region. Private (non-state) educational institutions working all over Russia at the beginning of the 20th century can also be classified as “author’s”. The diversity of copyright schools of the late XIX - early XX century was due to the socio-economic development of the Russian Empire, the change of public priorities, the mood of liberal and democratic forces that support the emergence of new schools. The movement for “new” schools became the starting point of those changes in the public understanding of the importance of education, which served as an impetus to the humanization of Russian domestic pedagogy.
Keywords: New schools, national pedagogy, West Siberian educational district
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Issue: 2, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 162 — 167
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