DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2019-4-45-52
The relevance of the study of this problem is due to the demand of society, the growth of inclusive education in the country. The article analyzes the concepts of adaptation, school adaptation, social adaptation, personal adaptation, psychological adaptation and substantiates the pedagogical conditions that ensure the effectiveness of adaptation of primary school children with disabilities to educational activities. We used the following methods: questionnaire for teachers study school adaptation of students (methodology L. M. Kovaleva), projective technique of “What I like about school?” (N. G. Lukanova), “A Conversation about the school” T. A. Nezhnova, “Personal scale manifestations of anxiety” G. Taylor, T. A. Nemchin’s “Adaptation”. The peculiarities of students’ interaction, personal stability, individual psychological features, school anxiety during the adaptation period are revealed. The effectiveness of the phenomenon under study is achieved through the implementation of pedagogical technology, pedagogical support, means of “subject-developing” education. The study allows us to conclude that the success of the adaptation of primary school children with disabilities to educational activities is provided by specially created pedagogical conditions: the activation of cognitive activity of children, the organization of cooperation as a three-way aspect of interaction, ensuring inclusive dialogue with the age-specific features of the development of mental processes, the creation of a positive microclimate of the social environment.
Keywords: primary school student, adaptation, school adaptation, factors of adaptation, inclusive education, educational activity
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Issue: 4, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 45 — 52
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