DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2019-4-151-156
The advantages of development of professionally significant qualities of students in project activity are considered, as well as the example of introduction of student’s projects in the proposals of tourist firms of the Oryol region is shown. The process of implementation of the project assumes the solution of a number of the tasks allowing to establish recreational and tourist needs of the region; to reveal preferences, forms, types of active holiday and awareness of subjects in them; to involve as many subjects as possible in recreational and tourist activities; to estimate efficiency of the activity. The project is being developed within the disciplines of the curriculum and an optional course. Protecting the project before the employer gives a chance to implement the project in practice. The questionnaire, developed by the authors to assess the effectiveness of the developed projects, allowed to identify important criteria that contribute to their implementation in the economic activity of tourist organizations. These criteria include profitability, relevance and social significance, innovation and author’s creativity, logical choice of form and organization, communication with the target and non-target audience. The result of training sessions was the implementation of three developed projects in the activities of the tourist operator of the Oryol region – LLC “S afari”.
Keywords: project activity, professionally significant qualities, tourism, interaction with employers
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Issue: 4, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 150 — 155
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