DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2019-4-142-149
The characteristic of crossence is given as one of the forms of perception and understanding of educational information. The features of the crossences, their significance in conducting laboratory classes in chemistry at the university, the stages of creating crossences, the method of using crossences in the classroom “School Chemical Experiment” are described. The tasks for students to work with crossances are given. Examples of crossences are presented for the disciplines “School Chemical Experiment” and “General and Inorganic Chemistry”. Crossences are based on images illustrating the stages of experiments, and include chemical glassware, devices, reagents, located in the cells of the table. The stages of creating crossences are considered, including the definition of the topic of experience, the selection of elements of the content of experience and links between them, the creation of images illustrating the order of the experiment. The combination of graphic images and textual information in the order of the experiments was proposed to be used in crossences. The results of the survey of students in order to identify their relationship to crossences are given. It was established that the majority of the respondents had a positive attitude towards the use of crossences in laboratory classes in chemistry and are ready to use them in teaching practice and in future professional activities.
Keywords: forms of chemical information, laboratory classes in chemistry, crossences, stages of creating crossences, methods of using crossences
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Issue: 4, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 142 — 149
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