DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2020-1-113-120
The article shows a new sociocultural vision of the principle of intellectualization, focused on the development of the intellectual culture of bachelors from various perspectives. The material for the study was the development system of the intellectual culture of bachelors of higher education, where the principle of intellectualization was the backbone principle. A theoretical and methodological analysis of the leading concepts on the topic under study, a content analysis, comparative analysis. In the study of pedagogical experience, the method of classification and analogies was used. Empirical methods included questioning, conversation, comparative analysis. Statistical methods were based on mathematical analysis methods. The leading methodological approaches, the functional significance of the principle of intellectualization as a special reference point, necessary for the implementation of the new generation of FSES in higher education are shown. The psychological and pedagogical significance is disclosed, the trend of intellectualization as a leading direction and the social need for the development of Russian education in the future, forward taking into account international challenges: innovation, information, development of nano, bio, cognito, information technology, integration processes, employer requirements, is substantiated. The pedagogical view reveals the principle of intellectualization in improving the quality of bachelor’s training at a university. The sociocultural aspect of the implementation of the principle of intellectualization provides professional growth, a career for bachelors in the near and long term. Particular attention is focused on the possibilities of manifesting the principle of intellectualization through the parameters of activity, content structure, level indicators of the development of intellectual culture of bachelors. The effectiveness of the implementation of the development system of the intellectual culture of bachelors is proved, where the principle of intellectualization has become the system-forming element of the system. The levels of development of intellectual culture, the main types of activity in educational, research work are determined by the following indicators: activity in the training session; research activities; Bachelor’s mental work culture; reflective activity; experience of communicative interaction. Indicators of the development of intellectual culture were analyzed and taken into account at each course (from 1 to 4 courses) for undergraduate in technical and pedagogical areas. It is proved that the principle of intellectualization is a key strategy, a guideline that provides a high level of development of the intellectual culture of the future bachelor of various directions. The implementation of the principle of intellectualization is embedded in the content and activity components of education and involves the active involvement of future bachelors in scientific and practical activities, focusing on obtaining a specific result, which ensures the future professional success of bachelors.
Keywords: intellectualization, principle of intellectualization, professional training, intellectual culture, quality of training
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Issue: 1, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 113 — 120
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