DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2020-1-162-168
The article deals with the problem of teaching perception of a foreign language speech to non-linguistic students due to the transition to Federal state educational standards of the third generation ++. It highlights the importance of audition and developing listening skills as the basis for speaking activities and abilities for professional communication in the future. The article emphasizes difficulties faced by both teachers and students while working with audio materials such as lack of time and audio materials, students’ anxiety and uncertainty; it reveals the relationship of listening with other types of speech activity, it emphasizes the impossibility of learning to speak without training listening perception of speech. The article gives an overview of modern Internet resources used in the practice of a non-linguistic university and available for everyone, it notes their advantage in authenticity, communication, cognition, motivation of students. As a result, it suggests adapting and using single presentation writing exercise to teach listening at the initial stage in order to avoid difficulties of various kinds. The article demonstrates the examples of these exercises for non-linguistic students of different technical specialties; it describes stages of working on developing listening skills, necessary conditions, it proves their effectiveness in teaching audition.
Keywords: foreign languages, audition, auditory image, non-linguistic students, authentic material, single presentation writing exercise
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Issue: 1, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 162 — 168
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