DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2020-3-94-100
Self-development and self-organization of the personality are of great importance for the effectiveness of the educational and professional activities of the teacher. The article reveals the possibility of self-development of a bachelor of pedagogical education as the main component of the subject position and subject-subject relations. The interconnection of the key terms: subject, subjectivity, subjective position, subject-subject relations, is characterized. Using diagnostic tools, such as an author’s questionnaire consisting of open and closed questions, the specifics of understanding, the level and reasons for the refusal to demonstrate the subject position by bachelors in the educational process of a pedagogical university are revealed. Processing of the results of the questionnaire was carried out by calculating the average score and content analysis. As a result of the study, it was clarified that many factors influence the manifestation of the students’ subjective position in the process of their study at the university, some of which are the lack of self-organization, self-development skills, the predominant influence of the teacher and the lack of their joint activities. The article shows how, with the help of the case-method, it is possible to build the skill of self-organization of bachelors when organizing joint activities of a teacher and students at a pedagogical university. The substantial similarity of the implementation of the case method with the models of joint activity: authoritarian, leadership, partnership, is indicated. The emphasis is on the fact that, as part of the case method, when organizing joint activities, the main task is to build the subjectivation strategy between the teacher and the students in the process of solving various types of cases that become more complicated for each bachelor’s course. Features of the organization of students’ and teachers’ activities from the reproduction strategy to the strategy of cooperation through the demonstration by subjects of the educational process of their subjective position are presented.
Keywords: self-organization, subject, subjectivity, subjective position, subject-subject relations, case-method, models of joint activity
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Issue: 3, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 94 — 100
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