DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2020-4-17-26
The facts testifying to the problems of modern education are given. One of the significant problems that many educators and teachers ascertain is a general decrease in motivation for education and, especially, in the study of school physics, which leads to shortcomings in the overall development of students. The drop in interest in physics among schoolchildren also affects the insufficient choice by graduates of schools of technical specialties in universities and the difficulties in studying subjects in universities, as noted by university teachers. The way out of this situation is to increase the motivation for the physics of schoolchildren from the very beginning of its study. As the study of questions of motivation to study the subject shows, it can appear only in activities that interest students, in most cases it is practical activity. Since the active inclusion of students in practical activities is currently hampered by a lack of time in the lessons, it is proposed to use students to perform home experiments to develop motivation for the subject – physics. The introduction of home experiments in grades 7-8 is based on the characteristics of adolescence, when students aspire to active independent or joint educational activities and this activity should be interesting and contribute to their success. Ways to increase motivation to study the subject based on home experiences are presented. Recommendations for teachers are formulated that contribute to effective results in terms of increasing motivation for the subject and obtaining additional and in-depth knowledge of students.
Keywords: difficulties of modern education, motivation and cognitive interest in learning, the role of practice in teaching physics, home experiences as a means of developing motivation
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Issue: 4, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 17 — 26
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