DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2020-4-71-76
Prognostic competence is necessary for future specialist’s professional stability and perspective. It is also necessary for his prognostic orientation in the education system ensuring its effective organization. In this work, we consider the structural and content characteristics of pedagogical magistracy student’s prognostic competence. The author formulated three components of competence: knowledge, activity and motivational-value. A criteria-based assessment has been developed for pedagogical magistracy student’s prognostic competence. It includes indicators and levels of prognostic competence formation, as well as diagnostic tools that allow to determine the effectiveness of pedagogic magistracy student’s prognostic competence formation. We provide a questionnaire to identify the level of cognitive component formation of magistracy student’s prognostic competence. This questionnaire shows the level of conceptual and categorical apparatus possession of scientific and pedagogical forecasting, terminology of the problem, knowledge of the methods and ways of forecasting in pedagogy, strength and completeness of theoretical knowledge assimilation in forecasting. It also shows the idea of modern forecasting methods in the educational system and the possibility of combining it with traditional methods, the use of their skills to predict their professional activities. The results of the study may be used by teachers that train future pedagogical specialists in higher educational institutions.
Keywords: pedagogical magistracy, university education, forecasting, prognostic competence, structural and content characteristics
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Issue: 4, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 71 — 76
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