DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2020-4-131-139
One of the urgent problems of the development of additional education of children in Russia is to increase its accessibility and quality. Modern measures of state policy in the field of education are aimed at updating the content and technologies of additional education of children in accordance with the needs of the individual and public order, ensuring its accessibility for children with different educational needs and opportunities in the context of increasing the efficiency of the resources used. The article discusses the basic principles of the development of the system of additional education of children in Russia at the present stage. Based on the analysis of modern regulatory and program-targeted documents, a characteristic of the main directions of modernization of regional systems of further education is presented. The leading theoretical ideas of building a system of personified continuing education are described: individualization, personalization and personification. The analysis of modern state requirements for the regional system of additional education of children is carried out, the leading mechanisms of the formation of the regional system of additional education are highlighted. The author analyzes the content of personified funding for the implementation of additional general education programs in accordance with the requirements of accessibility, quality and effectiveness. The meaning of the idea of personalization in continuing education is disclosed applicable to the system of accessibility and quality management of educational programs. Based on the program approach, a model of a regional system of additional education for children is proposed that meets modern requirements.
Keywords: model, regional educational system, personified additional education of children
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Issue: 4, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 131 — 139
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