DOI: 10.23951/2307–6127-2020-6-41-51
The article presents the scientific background for the development of the new quality monitoring system in the Russian Federation, as well as goals, objectives and main provisions of the Conceptual framework for early childhood education quality monitoring in the Russian Federation. The article presents a system of level assessment of the quality of preschool education, which is embedded in the monitoring concept. The article presents a model of comprehensive assessment of the quality of education in preschool institutions, a model of multilevel collection of information from the MKDO using the unified information platform of the monitoring. It describes the aspects and indicators for assessment and evaluation of the quality of early childhood education in early childhood classrooms and in early childhood settings in general. The authors of the concept proposes 9 areas of quality to organize information monitoring: educational guidelines; educational program; teacher qualifications; content of educational activities; educational process organization; educational environment; creation of conditions for preschool education of children with special needs and disabilities; interaction with parents; provision of meals to students and preschool institution employees; child protection and health improvement, management and development of the organization. It formulates possible directions of implementation of the results of monitoring procedures at all levels of early childhood education system in the Russian Federation.
Keywords: early childhood education, quality assessment and evaluation, monitoring, quality indicators, MKDO (Early Childhood Education Quality Monitoring), early childhood education system of the Russian Federation
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Issue: 6, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 41 — 51
Downloads: 853