DOI: 10.23951/2307–6127-2020-6-52-60
At present, the education of schoolchildren has not solved a number of problems posed by the federal state educational standard. One of these problems is the inability of many young people today to work with information. To solve this problem, the standard provides for teaching of schoolchildren to semantic reading and work with text. In order for students to learn how to study independently and organize their lives, it is necessary to use information, which develops through semantic reading (SC). Currently, this is taught in the subjects of the humanities cycle, mainly in literature. Not all teachers understand the meaning of the midrange, the importance of developing the action of the midrange. Many people lack techniques to motivate them to master it successfully. The author analyzes the meaning of the concept of sematic reading, it is proposed to organize problem cognitive activity in preparation for semantic reading of elementary school students through the ability to ask questions. Then use this skill in the problematic organization of activities with students of the basic school when teaching how to work with text, in detail – text structuring, and then apply it in high school when using reflective reading. The proposed methods of organizing work with students on the gradual mastering of semantic reading give successful results.
Keywords: the ability to study independently, the ability to work with information, the concept of semantic reading, ways of developing an action, problem cognitive activity in formation
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Issue: 6, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 52 — 60
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