DOI: 10.23951/2307–6127-2020-6-82-90
The paper considers the issue of organization and implementation of distance education in higher education institutions during the period of self-isolation and quarantine, established in many countries in connection with the spread of a new coronoviral infection. Examples of the main problems and trends revealed by sociological surveys of university instructors and students conducted in Russia and abroad have been described. Thus, the number of educational institutions had to introduce three main types of teaching and learning including asynchronous with students studying independently, synchronous based on web-conferencing services and blended covering both the types; the most popular trends in dealing with the implementation of digital teaching and learning indicated student volunteering activities in providing technological and psychological support to teachers and school students. The results of the online survey of university instructors and students in Tomsk State Pedagogical University conducted at the end of the spring semester 2020 have been exposed. The author identifies some possible directions of the university on work with digital technologies in education and implementation of successful cases and practices: an introductory stage of training university students and instructors how to use digital tools in the teaching and learning process, updating university digital platforms and tools, providing on-going technological and methodological support to university instructors, arranging seminars on best teaching and learning practices.
Keywords: distance learning, online survey, self-isolation, electronic resources, digital technologies in education
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Issue: 6, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 82 — 90
Downloads: 833