DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2021-1-57-64
The relevance of the design and implementation of new technologies and means of organizing the educational process of additional education is generally recognized, including at the level of state educational policy. The degree of study of this topic lags far behind the demands of pedagogical science and practice. The analysis of new technologies and teaching aids in the system of additional education was carried out on the following issues: the sufficiency of the regulatory and legal support for their implementation and use; examples of modern and effective practice of implementing new technologies and teaching aids in the sector of continuing education; features of new technologies of additional education in the traditional scheme of pedagogical technologies and the identification of their potentialities in the process of the gradual formation of significant competencies of children; determination of the list of the most relevant new developing technologies; conceptual provisions of new information technologies when using a computer as a teaching tool, including in the formats of digital educational platforms; comparative analysis of the use of new technologies and teaching aids with traditional technologies and the manifestation of their effectiveness and relevance in the context of a new technological order. The problems of entering the educational environment of new pedagogical technologies and teaching aids are analyzed, as well as the severity of the problem of the discrepancy between traditional pedagogical technologies and production technologies that are already being implemented in modern industries of a new technological order. The substantiation of the features of technologies of additional education are offered.
Keywords: New technologies and learning tools, regulatory and legal provisions for the technologies and learning tools, classification of pedagogical technologies and learning tools, information technologies, conceptual framework for new information technologies
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Issue: 1, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 57 — 64
Downloads: 998