DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2021-1-79-84
The article deals with the problem of communication and speech interaction in the context of distance learning. The relevance of this issue is due to the need to pay attention to the key points in online communication, that directly affect the effectiveness of the educational process. In this regard, the pros and cons of interaction through the digital educational environment are analyzed. The main characteristics of the digital educational environment are defined, such as openness, multimodality, and interactivity. The study analyzes the factors that influence the effectiveness of the formation of communicative foreign language competence and its elements. The success of communication in the online learning process depends on external and internal factors. The problem of communication is investigated through the psychoemotional characteristics of students, difficulties associated with non-verbal signs of communication in the online environment are indicated. Therefore, we are studying the problem of students‘ concentration during online learning, which is key in this type of foreign language teaching. In addition, we give a number of recommendations for solving this problem. As a result, a detailed overview and characteristics of online services designed for the development of different types of speech activity of students: reading, speaking, writing, listening. These services allow you to eliminate the difficulties associated with speech interaction in a digital educational environment.
Keywords: Russian as a foreign language, communicative competence, the digital learning environment, distance learning, interactivity, online service
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Issue: 1, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 79 — 84
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