DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2021-4-15-24
The review of the problems and their solutions offered in the article was created by the author based on the analysis of the pilot stage of the implementation of the target mentoring model in St. Petersburg. The interpretation of mentoring of educational interaction, which is essentially informal as technology, raises a set of problems. They can be solved in the strategy of dialogue between supporters of innovations and traditions. This will help preserve the constructive systems of educational institutions and set a benchmark for their development. The problem of a simplified understanding by the pedagogical community of the ideological basis of the target model, lack of awareness of this project by the public in the region can be solved if the project is preceded by a wide information and educational campaign. To overcome the problem of forming the bases of mentors and mentors, real educational work and a revision of the strategy of forming a partner network are necessary. The development of networks at the level of the administrative district will make it possible to overcome the acute shortage of resources accompanying the implementation. Ensuring the environmental friendliness of interaction in a mentoring couple or group requires the mentor of the mentoring program in the institution to master the basics of non-formal education, adult education.
Keywords: mentoring, targeted mentoring model, risk management, non-formal education
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Issue: 4, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 15 — 24
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