DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2021-4-117-122
The article deals with the peculiarities of the formation of professional competence of employees of the penitentiary system in working with convicts-former employees of courts and law enforcement agencies. The concept of «professional competence» is considered, as well as the problem of its formation and improvement. It is noted that the organization of work and interpersonal interaction of employees with convicts-former employees of courts and law enforcement agencies has a number of specific features. The emphasis is placed on the fact that the employees of these institutions must have special professional knowledge, skills, and be competent specialists. The development and implementation of important moral and psychological qualities and abilities is more successful with timely and properly organized psychological and pedagogical support. The importance of gradual formation of professional competence in the correctional institution system is emphasized. The article describes a pedagogical program for the development of professional competence of employees of specialized institutions, which consists of three main modules. The significance of the developed program is that it provides a comprehensive synthesized volume of special knowledge, skills and abilities for employees who carry out their professional activities in specialized institutions. The implementation of this program will help to improve the effectiveness of the professional activities of employees in working with convicts-former employees of courts and law enforcement agencies.
Keywords: employees of the penitentiary system, professional competence, specialized institutions, convicts-former employees of courts and law enforcement agencies
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Issue: 4, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 117 — 122
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