DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2021-5-47-57
The main directions of digital transformation and modernization of general education system in Tomsk region in the frame of implementation of “Education” national project and “Digital educational environment” local project are observered in the paper. The regional general education system is characterized. The practice and experience of its phased digitalization are described. Some fundamental federal and regional regulatory legal acts that determine the strategy to develop digitalization of the general education system are analyzed. The digital competencies of management personnel and pedagogical employees of educational organizations, which are necessary for effective cooperation and organization of the educational process in the context of creating a unified digital educational environment in the region, have been investigated. On the basis of the study, the groups of digital competencies for the teaching staff in general education system have been identified, and the qualitative characteristics of digital competencies necessary for the systemic and effective digital transformation of the general education system in the region have been formulated. The author’s diagnostic materials have been developed and described using case-type tasks, focused on identifying teachers’ professional deficiencies, corresponding to three groups of digital competencies. Examples of case-type tasks aimed at identifying professional deficits are given. Based on the data obtained, an analysis has been carried out, conclusions about the skills of mastering digital technologies, the ability to effectively use digital resources and services in the educational process have been described. Based on the results of the study, the tasks and prospects of the digital transformation of the general education system of Tomsk region have been identified.
Keywords: national project «Education», regional system of general education, digitalization of education, teacher’s digital competencies, professional deficits of teaching staff
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Issue: 5, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 47 — 57
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