DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2021-5-93-101
Systematic study of the educational environment provides an opportunity to identify growth points and deficits in the design and development of the educational environment. Tools that involve a comprehensive study of it can be represented by physical, psychodidactic and social components. This article examines the results of the study of the educational environment in school buildings of three standard projects (the project of the MU series, project 65-426 / 1, project I-1577A) in the context of the enrichment of the educational process, the diversity of forms and methods of teaching and the content of the educational process. Based on the conducted research, it was revealed that: for educational purposes, except for the classroom, the space of recreation areas, school museums and libraries is rarely used; there is no possibility of transforming the educational space into small, medium and large, there is no transformable furniture; the main resource of the school territory, as a rule, is the use of the school territory as a sports ground during regular and extra-curricular hours; there is rarely a cluster and open type of organization of educational spaces, in general, the study sample is characterized by a cabinet type of organization, which «dictates» the implementation of learning formats characteristic of the class-time system; there are restrictions for the organization of project training.
Keywords: richness of the educational process, educational environment, psychodidactic parameters of the educational environment, variety of forms and methods of teaching, content of the educational process, school infrastructure
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Issue: 5, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 93 — 101
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