DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2022-1-77-83
The article considers the issue of the individual educational trajectory of employees of specialized correctional institutions as one of the conditions for their professional development. Currently, there are new technologies, tools, as well as ways for self-development and self-education of the individual. These include: “individual educational trajectory”. The concept of “educational trajectory” and “individual educational trajectory” is analyzed. It is noted that the professional activity of employees with convicts-former employees of courts and law enforcement agencies has a number of specific features. Consequently, an employee of a correctional institution for the maintenance of this category of convicts is placed in the conditions of the need for constant systematic work on himself, on improving his professionalism, in order to satisfy the state and public demand. The structure of the individual educational trajectory of employees working in correctional institutions for the detention of convicts – former employees of courts and law enforcement agencies is a relationship of components: target, content, technological, diagnostic, organizational and pedagogical. It is emphasized that the effectiveness of the implementation of an individual approach, the creation of individual educational trajectories for improving the professionalism of employees is determined in the process of joint interaction between educational and practical departments. The implementation of an individual educational trajectory will help to improve the effectiveness of professional activities of employees in working with convicts – former employees of courts and law enforcement agencies. In this case, the educational trajectory of an employee of a specialized correctional institution will act as one of the important conditions for improving the professionalism of employees of the penal enforcement system working with convicts-former employees of courts and law enforcement agencies.
Keywords: educational trajectory, individual educational trajectory, employees of specialized institutions, convicts-former employees of courts and law enforcement agencies
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Issue: 1, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 77 — 83
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