DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2022-1-84-91
This article is devoted to considering a range of issues related to the search for ways to improve the educational process in military higher educational institutions (HEIs) through the use of training teaching methods. The relevance of this problem is determined by the specifics and the highest level of complexity of modern problematic military-political situations and trends in their development. In this regard, very high requirements are imposed on the level of morale and combat qualities of the current Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and future military personnel. Satisfaction of these requirements is possible provided that the effectiveness of the educational process in military universities is increased, including through the use of training teaching methods. The main task and goal of the educational process of a military university is the formation of a whole complex of qualities in servicemen, which, in addition to moral, professional-combat and physical, include psychological qualities: developed perception, thinking, attention, memory, emotional and volitional stability. The level of psychological readiness of modern cadets of military universities determines their ability to adequately assess any situation, including a conflict one, to navigate in it, and independently make responsible decisions. The feasibility of widespread use in the educational process of training teaching methods is due to their high potential in ensuring psychological readiness, in the formation and development of psychological mechanisms for managing their behavior in stressful situations. Due to the specific content and organizational form, training is an effective means of forming and improving professionally significant qualities of future military personnel, a means of intensive training in behavior in conflict situations. It is obvious that the systematic use of trainings in the educational process of a military higher educational institution, the provision and observance of certain conditions during their organization and implementation can be a rather effective way of increasing the effectiveness of military education in general.
Keywords: modern educational technologies, conflict, military university, psychology, training, cadets, conflict, group classes, groups
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Issue: 1, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 84 — 91
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