DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2022-1-115-123
We live in the XXI century – the century of globalization, high speeds, crises, epidemics and pandemics. The time required radical changes in politics, economics, education; integration of economic and political systems of different countries. In this regard, questions of peaceful coexistence of different peoples and states arise, which must be resolved on a daily basis. The role and meaning of foreign languages are also changing: those that previously were of great interest to everyone around them fade into the background, their positions are conquered by others. Interest in the languages and culture of the peoples of the former USSR is growing. The article examines the issues of verbal communication culture in Kyrgyz families and, accordingly, some features of the Kyrgyz vocabulary. The relevance of the topic is due to the increase in the number of foreign students in Russia, as well as the mutual influence of the Kyrgyz and Russian languages. The influence of Russian culture and the Russian language on the formation of the lexical system and the development of the modern communicative culture of the Kyrgyz, which can be characterized as a culture of the collectivist type, is analyzed. The Kyrgyz language has not been studied enough, the scientific novelty of the work lies in the fact that it is included in a number of studies conducted in the Russian Federation and devoted to the study of foreign languages and Kyrgyz in particular, which undoubtedly demonstrates an interest in studying the peculiarities of the language and culture of the Kyrgyz ethnos. The practical novelty and significance of the work involves its use in the preparation of lectures on the theory of intercultural communication. As a result, it makes it possible to increase the efficiency of teaching Kyrgyz at universities of the Russian Federation. Knowing the peculiarities of mastering foreign vocabulary by the Kyrgyz, we can plan forms and methods of work, as well as learning outcomes. The aim of the work is to describe the communicative culture of communication of the Kyrgyz. A linguistic experiment has been carried out, some features of communication in Kyrgyz families have been revealed by the observation method. Minor differences were noted in the culture of northern and southern Kyrgyzstan. We were convinced that the culture of the Kyrgyz is of a collectivist nature of a vertical type. The most effective methods of studying the Russian language by the Kirghiz are described. Practical advice is given to reveal the abilities of students and to speed up the process of teaching the Russian language. This work continues a series of methodological works, the main goal of which is to increase the efficiency and quality of teaching the Russian language to foreign students in technical universities of the Russian Federation.
Keywords: Russian, Russian as a foreign language, teaching Russian as a foreign language, the Kyrgyz language, communicative function of the language, learning efficiency
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Issue: 1, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 115 — 123
Downloads: 619