DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2022-1-155-161
In professional activity, a teacher needs to build effective communication with children and parents, while effectively managing their emotions, understanding the feelings of other people, and showing reflexive skills. Emotional competence is a mandatory component of a teacher’s professional competence. The article discusses various approaches to understanding emotional competence and emotional intelligence, its structure, connection with social activity, cognitive processes, academic performance, and professional success. The aim of the empirical research is to analyze the level of emotional competence of teachers as a professionally important quality. The sample was made by teachers and pedagogues – psychologists of general educational organizations of Irkutsk, totaling 70 people. The study used the method of assessing the reflexivity of A. V. Karpov; test questionnaire by D. Lyusin EmIn. The results of empirical research have shown that the majority of teachers have an average level of development of emotional intelligence and an average level of development of reflexive abilities. The share of teachers with low and very low levels of development of emotional intelligence was 34,2 %. A low level of understanding of emotions was revealed in 48,6% of teachers, 34,3% of teachers showed a low level of control and a very low level of control over emotions. Teachers with a low level of understanding of emotions also demonstrate a low level of reflexivity of the emotional state. 28,6% of the subjects have a low level of development of reflexive abilities. They have difficulties in analyzing the situation as a whole, including with the perception, processing and analysis of emotional states. A low level of emotional intelligence and reflexivity does not allow the teacher to be successful in his professional activity: he does not understand the child’s problems, his experiences, does not empathize with his joys and sorrows, and cannot control his condition. Such teachers themselves need psychological support, the organization of special classes for them on the development of emotional intelligence, empathy and reflection.
Keywords: emotional competence, empathy, emotional intelligence, professional competence of a teacher
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Issue: 1, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 155 — 161
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