DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2022-1-162-169
The paper presents a study that implements a communicative approach to the diagnosis and correction of communicative-speech disorders in children with speech disorders. The results of a theoretical and experimental study of the communicative-speech development of older preschoolers with general speech underdevelopment, indicating the poverty of children’s motivational impulses in communicating with a partner, a low level of development of verbal means, a low communicative orientation of speech, lack of interest in contacts, inability to navigate in communication situations, are presented. lack of desire to develop dialogue. The possibility of using a logo psychological approach in the correction of communicative-speech disorders in older preschoolers with general speech underdevelopment is substantiated, aimed at mastering the norms and values adopted in society and the need to integrate the correctional and educational process for the development of speech and full-fledged communication skills in older preschoolers. A system of correctional and developmental integrated lessons is proposed, during which the teacher – speech therapist, simultaneously solves speech therapy and psychological tasks using speech therapy training and case technology, which encourage older preschoolers to develop an active position, defend their point of view, form communicative activity on the basis of verbal interaction in groups. The importance of using work in dyads in organizing dialogical communication of older preschoolers is indicated. The effectiveness of the implemented logo psychological program is confirmed by the results of the control section presented in the article.
Keywords: children with general speech underdevelopment, communicative speech disorders, communicative approach in speech therapy, verbal interaction, interaction in dyads, integrative classes, speech psychology training, case technologies
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Issue: 1, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 162 — 169
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