DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2022-3-113-122
The new reality of educational relations at the beginning of the 21st century is due, first of all, to the beginning of the digitalization process, which has acquired a global character. Given the fragmentation of traditional paradigms of education, the new conditions for the development of this most important sphere for society and a particular individual are discussed and subject to partly fair, but often unreasonable criticism. This indicates a misunderstanding, rejection of such a social phenomenon as digitalization, there are fears and fears of the loss of familiar life processes, including educational guidelines. The relevance of the problem under study caused the need to consider the attitude of the part of the population covered or associated with the general education system to the fact of its digitalization and the transformation of the system itself that it determed. This perception by the population of digitalization of education is manifested in the dynamics of value orientations, the emergence of new human expectations, personality experiences for their future. This factor plays a crucial role in the further development of practical psychological and pedagogical recommendations for participants in educational relations in the conditions of digitalization of general education. In this regard, within the framework of this study, the results were monitored and analyzed in order to present the qualitative content of possible value orientations, expectations, problems of subjects of educational relations in the conditions of digitalization of general education.
Keywords: general education system, digitalization, digital transformation of general education, value orientation, expectations, students, teacher, parents, educational organizations
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Issue: 3, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 113 — 122
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