DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2022-4-91-106
A survey of university teachers (130 people) from various study areas was conducted to identify the prevailing attitudes and judgments about the implementation and prospects for the development of various formats of higher education in an unstable epidemiological situation and changing socioeconomic conditions. The authors attempted to analyze the factors that determined the survey results and the challenges of creating conditions ensuring the optimal implementation of various formats in a modern university. The successful experience of the university faculty in a number of projects in the development of the digital educational environment at the international and all-Russian level is described. Inferior learning outcomes in the online format in comparison with face-to-face and blended format were reported by the respondents. The survey revealed an optimistic view of the teaching community regarding the prospects for the development of a blended format. Blended and face-to-face formats were preferred by the majority of respondents, regardless of their teaching experience at the university. Questions about the level of online education, effective tools for assessing its quality, measures to encourage online work turned out to be the most “sensitive”, which was reflected in the significant proportion of evasive answer to the above questions. Higher education ecosystems often lack professionals specializing in instructional design, data analysis, educational program development, educational technologies, etc., which adversely affects the quality of educational products.
Keywords: higher education, educational format, online learning, blended learning, teacher assessment of learning outcomes, COVID-19
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Issue: 4, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 91 — 106
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