DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2022-4-152-160
The article considers the impact of the pandemic on the psychological state of modern boys and girls, in particular, the impact of forced restrictions on the psycho-emotional state and the potential formation of dependence on the Internet. The results of a diagnostic study of the relationship between the degree of dependence on the Internet and the occurrence of a depressive state are presented. The characteristics of the depressive state and extreme manifestations of depression, suicide are given. Studies of the relationship between interne-dependence and the presence of a depressive state are analyzed. It is noted that not realizing the need for social contacts that is significant for young people can provoke the appearance of a depressive state, which in its extreme manifestations can lead to suicide. The data presented in this article allow us to conclude that with all the positive impact of information technologies, during their active implementation, both in the educational process and the daily functioning of humanity, it is necessary to take into account the risks that may arise from the uncontrolled introduction of the network with people’s lives. In this article, only some negative influences are indicated, this is the risk of depression and Internet addiction.
Keywords: depression, suicide, internet addiction, computer addiction
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Issue: 4, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 152 — 160
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